Teaching Approaches and Strategies

Classroom Management: Meaning and Strategies | Meaning and Characteristics of Teacher Effectiveness

Classroom Management: Meaning and Strategies | Meaning and Characteristics of Teacher Effectiveness

Classroom Management: Meaning Meaning: – Classroom management is a concept which is clearly related to the mobilization of teaching learning activities, infrastructural facilities, learning resources, classroom environment and all other facilities available including the teacher and the students to maximize learning. The teacher is mainly responsible for the classroom management. A competent teacher can manage […]

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Lesson Plan: Its Meaning, Significance, Essentials of a Good Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan: Its Meaning, Significance, Essentials of a Good Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan: Its Meaning A lesson plan is a teacher’s detailed description of the course of instruction or ‘learning trajectory’ for a lesson. A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class learning. Details may vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject being covered, and the need of the students.

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A Comparative Analysis of Traditional Teaching and Microteaching | B.Ed Notes

Abstract This comprehensive analysis delves into the realm of education and instructional methods by comparing two distinct approaches to teaching: traditional teaching and microteaching. Traditional teaching has been the norm for centuries, while microteaching is a relatively recent innovation. This paper explores the principles, advantages, disadvantages, and the impact of these teaching methodologies on educators

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Microteaching: Its Meaning, Objectives, Principles, Phases, Steps, Advantages and Disadvantages

Microteaching: Its Meaning Micro Teaching is an analytical approach to teaching. It is a significant effort to make teacher education program scientific, effective and meaningful. It is now considered not only a constructive teacher training techniques, but also a versatile research tool. It was developed by Prof. Dwight and Robert Bush in teacher preparation program

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Dimensions of Ethics

Dimensions of Professional Ethics

Dimension of Professional Ethics Ethics seeks to resolve challenges of human morality by defining certain themes such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice and crime. Moral philosophy is connected to the sciences of moral psychology, descriptive ethics, and value theory as a subject of intellectual investigation. Moral philosophy also called

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Styles of Teaching in Education

Styles of Teaching Style is essentially a personal way of doing things. Teachers also have or need to have a personal style of teaching which they can carry on from one learning situation to another. Teaching style is effective by teacher’s believe about good teaching, personal preferences, abilities and the content to be transacted. There

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Devices of Teaching: Explanation, Illustration, Narration and Questioning

Devices of Teaching: Explanation, Illustration, Narration and Questioning

Devices of Teaching Meaning- A device of teaching is the plan, a scheme or a trick intended for the purpose of effective teaching and purposeful learning. A teacher is expected to use the device while conducting his class. There are different devices that can be used within a particular method. It is an external mode

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Phases of Teaching: Pre-active, Interactive and Post-active Phase

Phases of Teaching: Pre-active, Interactive and Post-active Phase

Phases and Variables of Teaching Introduction- Teaching is an important part of the process of education. Its special function is to impart knowledge, develop understanding and skills. Teaching is associated with 7 R’s. teaching is an integral part of the process of education. It is a system of actions intended to induce learning. In teaching,

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maxims of teaching

Maxims of Teaching B.Ed Notes

Maxims of Teaching Introduction- Maxims of Teaching: – The maxims of teaching energize both the teacher and the taught and make them active and co-operative. Maxims of teaching also help in arousing interest and motivating students. Keeping in view the importance of maxims in the teaching learning process, some of the important maxims of teaching

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Criteria of Good Teaching

Top 10 Criteria of Good Teaching Criteria of Good Teaching Good or effective teaching is a ‘contested concept’ with varying definitions. Numerous attempts have been made to identify these characteristics, using a variety of theoretical perspectives, from qualitative and quantitative approaches, from various disciplinary standpoints and from the student’s point of view, but there is

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