
Gandhis philosophy of education

Educational Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi

Introduction Gandhiji’s educational philosophy has been widely appreciated and accepted . Gandhi had a very practical view on education and believed that it should work on developing every aspect of a person and not just help him to read and write. He talked at length about the kind of education the Indian schools should render to […]

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Educational Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda

Educational Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda was one of the greatest spiritual leaders of the modern world, a great lover of humanity where unconditional love extended to all people without any distinction of caste, class, creed, race, regions or religion. Moral and Religious Education Religious education is a vital part of a sound curriculum. Vivekananda considered the Gita, the Upanishads and the Vedas as the

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Pragmatism and Educational Theory and Practice

Pragmatism and Educational Theory and Practice

Pragmatism- Its concept and meaning The philosophy of pragmatism is relatively new in the educational theory and practice, which was propounded in the first half on 20th Century. The philosophers like William James, John Dewey, C.B. Pierce etc are responsible for propounding and propagating the philosophy of pragmatism. So the term doing, making, accomplishing are used

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Contribution of Naturalism towards Educational Theory and Practice

Contribution of Naturalism towards Educational Theory and Practice

Philosophy and Naturalism Naturalism is one of the very ancient philosophies which was developed in western world. It is the philosophy which lays much emphasis upon nature and its laws. According to naturalism, nature and material world is the ultimate reality. Nature is everything which governs human life and living. According to naturalism, there is

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negative education

Negative Education of Rousseau- Meaning and Its Salient features

Negative Education- Concept The concept of negative education is propounded by Rousseau. One of the very important contribution of Rousseau towards educational theory and practice is his theory of negative education. ‘Theory of Negative Education’- the term negative education indicates Rousseau’s hatred for the formal educational system prevailing in the society. He considered it unnatural and

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idealism philosophy of education

Philosophy of Idealism and its relation with Education

Philosophy of Idealism Idealism is a very old philosophical thought and it has exercised a potent influence on the mind of man throughout the ages. In education the influence of idealism has gone a long way to restrict some of the radical thinking and establish the worth of the eternal ideals and values of life.

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Educational Philosophy: Its Concept, Definition, Nature and Scope

Concept of Educational Philosophy The term ‘philosophy’ is derived from the Greek word ‘philos’ which means ‘love of’ and ‘sophia’ which means ‘wisdom’. Thus, philosophy means the ‘love of wisdom’. It is thus concern with a search for eternal truth. Philosophy is in fact a systematic inquiry about the ultimate realities in the universe. It is a

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Changing Aims of Education in the Context of Globalization

Changing Aims of Education in the Context of Globalization

Changing Aims of Education in the Present Context of Globalization Globalization is an important trend that effects the world deeply in new millennium. “Globalization” is commonly used as a way of describing the spread and connectedness of production, communication and technologies across the world. Globalization involves the diffusion if ideas, practice and technologies. The term of

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Aims of education

Aims of Education- Individual And Social Aims

Aims of Education- Introduction Education, being a purposeful activity, contains some definite aims. But these aims of education differ in place and times, in accordance with sociocultural change and changes in the ideas of life. Therefore, it is very difficult to act forth one universal aim of education, suitable for all ages, all centuries and

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Role of Teachers in Modern Education System

Role of Teachers in Modern Education System

The role of teachers in modern educational system is not only imparting merely knowledge to students, but also, as a real architect of new generations, responsible to build personality of modern citizens. It requires passion, practice, expertise on certain subject and enough ability to understand the role of teachers, the style of teaching, teaching methodologies

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