Lesson Plan: Its Meaning, Significance, Essentials of a Good Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan: Its Meaning, Significance, Essentials of a Good Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan: Its Meaning

A lesson plan is a teacher’s detailed description of the course of instruction or ‘learning trajectory’ for a lesson. A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class learning. Details may vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject being covered, and the need of the students. There may be requirements mandated by the school system regarding the plan. A lesson plan is the teacher’s guide for running the particular lesson and it includes the goal (what the students are supposed to learn), how the goal will be reached (the method, procedure) and a way of measuring how well the goal was reached (test, worksheets, homework, etc.)

Significance of Lesson Plan

Every teacher is required to prepare a lesson plan because this is considered as guide for the day’s lessons. Lesson planning is important because it gives the teacher a concrete direction of what he/she wants to take up for the day. Research has shown that students learning is correlated to teacher planning. One major explanation is that when plan is ready, teacher can focus on its implementation. When teachers do not have to think so much about what they need to do next they are able to focus on other parts of the lesson.

Lesson planning is important because it helps teachers ensure that the day-to-day activities that go on in their classrooms are providing students with an adequate level of long-term progress toward the goals outlined in their scope and sequence, as well as their individual education plans when necessary.

Lesson Plan

An effective lesson plan includes several elements – learning objectives, quality questions, supplies and activities. It is important to have the learning objectives in mind because those should drive the development and implementation of all activities in the classroom. Quality questions are inquiries that the teacher plans to direct at the students over the course of the lesson. Sometimes, these questions are rhetoric in nature, but more often they are designed to help the students think at a higher level than simple memorization and comprehension. It is important to come up with a plan for assessment to determine whether the class has met its targets.

Lesson planning is a complex yet essential part of the teaching process that changes over time as teachers gain more hands-on experience.

The significance of lesson planning can be pointed out as follows-

1.      The planning of a lesson helps the teacher for his/her own preparation.

2.      The planning of a lesson makes connection between the previous knowledge and the new knowledge to be developed.

3.      Lesson planning helps in motivation and arousal of curiosity.

4.      It helps in the achievement of the objective of the lesson.

5.      It helps in the systematic organization of the subject matter.

6.      It involves the students in various activities.

7.      Lesson planning encompasses the principles of child psychology in the development of new knowledge.

8.      It involves the core teaching skills through the use of appropriate method of teaching.

9.      It strengthens the teacher’s competency to face the class with greater freedom and confidence.

10.  It makes the classroom teaching alive and enjoyable through the use of multimedia.

11.  Lesson planning helps in the maintenance of classroom culture and discipline.

12.  The lesson plan is a source of inspiration for the teachers to teach enthusiastically.

13.  Lesson planning mobilizes the different tools and techniques for assessment and evaluation.

14.  It helps in the classroom management.

15.  It saves time and energy for both the teacher and student.

16.  It helps to finish the lesson in time.

Essentials of a Good Lesson Plan

1.      The lesson plan must be written with simple and clear language.

2.      In a good lesson plan, there must be provisions for testing previous knowledge of the students.

3.      Creating motivation and arousal of curiosity is one of the significant aspects of lesson planning.

4.      In a good lesson plan, the general objectives and specific objectives must be identified and defined clearly.

5.      In a good lesson plan, there must be space for declaring or announcing the name of the topic or lesson that the teacher is going to discuss in the class.

6.      A good lesson plan must indicate the age level of the pupils, time allotment for the class for which the plan is prepared.

7.      It must exhibit the development of the new knowledge using teaching aids and learning resources.

Essentials of a good lesson plan

8.      It should clearly mention the tools and techniques to be used in the classroom transaction.

9.      It should clearly mention the activities to be performed by the teacher and the activities necessary for the students.

10.      It must exhibit use of teaching skills, devices of teaching through an appropriate method of teaching.

11.      There must be space for correlation and group activities.

12.      There must be provision of asking questions. It is through questioning that proper communication takes place between the teacher and the students.

13.      There must be provision to assess student learning.

14.      Recapitulation, classwork and homework together constituted an integral part of any lesson plan.

15.      Finally, a lesson plan must help in transacting the classroom business of a teacher.

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