It is to certify that the Action Research on “Lack of interest in the classroom of the students” of 9th Grade students of Govt. Girls’ Higher Secondary & Multipurpose School, Tezpur is carried out by DHANANJOY SUTRADHAR, Roll No. 20, under the guidance of Rashmi Rekha Sarmah, Lecturer, Govt. College of Teacher Education, Tezpur, for partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (B.Ed). This project is an original work of the candidate.
We are happy to recommend this project for submission of B.Ed Degree under Gauhati University.
Principal:- Jina Bala Nath
Govt. College of Teacher Education, Tezpur
Supervisor :- Rashmi Rekha Sarmah
Lecturer of Govt.College of Teacher Education, Tezpur
Place:- Tezpur
At the very beginning of my research work, I would like to express my deepest sense of gratitude to our respected principal Smt. Jina Bala Nath who gave methe golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic “Lack of interest in the classroom of the students” (Action Research), which also helped me to acquire many experience.
I would also like to express my sincere thanks to my respected supervisor of this project Smt. Rashmi Rekha Sarmah for the valuable guidance and advice. She inspired me greatly to work in this project. Her willingness to motivate me contributed tremendously to my project. I also would like to thank her for showing me some example that related to the topic of my project. Besides, I would like to thank the authority of Govt. Girls’ H.S. & M.P. School, Tezpur for providing me with a good environment and facilities to complete this project. Finally, an honourable mention goes to my friends and the teaching staff of Govt. Girls’ H.S. & M.P. School, Tezpur for their understanding and supports on me in completing the project. Without helps of the particular that mentioned above, I would face many difficulties while completing this research.
Thanking you…
Dhananjoy Sutradhar
B.Ed 2nd Year
Roll No. :- 20
Session :- 2019-2020
I do herebydeclare that my Action Research report entitled “Lack of interest in the classroom of the students” of 9th grade to Gauhati University, Assam in partial fulfilment of requirement for the award of B.Ed degree has been prepared by me under the guidance and supervision of Rashmi Rekha Sarmah , Lecturer of Govt. College of Teacher Education, Tezpur. I also declare that my research work has not formed the basis for the award of any other degree/diploma/association/associateship/fellowship or other similar titles.
Dhananjoy Sutradhar
Table No. 3.1 :- No. of
students found discussing irrelevant matter in the classroom.
Table No. 3.2 :- Marks
obtained by the talkative students in pre-test out of 20.
Table No. 3.3 :- Marks
obtained by the talkative students in post-test out of 20.
Figure 3.1 :- Graphical
representation of No. of students found discussing irrelevant matter in the
Figure 3.2 :- Graphical
representation of marks obtained by the talkative students in pre-test out of
Figure 3.3 :- Graphical
representation of marks obtained by the talkative students in post-test out of
1 |
Certificate |
i |
2 |
Acknowledgement |
ii |
3 |
Declaration |
iii |
4 |
List of Tables/List of Figures |
iv |
5 |
Content |
v |
6 |
1.0 Introduction |
7 |
1.1 Conceptual or Theoretical
Background of the Study |
8 |
1.2 Significance or the Rationale of
the Study |
9 |
1.3 Objectives |
10 |
1.4 Action Hypothesis |
11 |
1.5 Method or Procedure of the Study |
12 |
1.6 Description of the Population and
Sample |
13 |
1.7 Tools of Data Collection |
14 |
1.8 Procedure of Data Collection |
15 |
2.0 Feedback |
16 |
2.1 Pre-Test |
17 |
2.2 Remedial Measures |
18 |
2.3 Post-Test |
19 |
3.0 Analysis of Data with Appropriate
Method |
20 |
3.1 Findings of the Study |
21 |
4.0 Suggestions and Recommendations |
22 |
4.1 Utility of the Study |
23 |
5.0 Conclusion |
24 |
6.0 References |
25 |
Appendix-A (Questionnaire) |
26 |
Appendix-B (Pre-Test) |
27 |
Appendix-C (Post-Test) |
28 |
Photo Gallery |

Research is a careful and
detailed study into a specific problem, concern, or issue using the scientific
method. It’s the adult form of the science fair projects back in elementary
school, where you try and learn something by performing an experiment. This is
best accomplished by turning the issue into a question, with the intent of the
research to answer the question.
is an art of scientific investigation. It is a vast and multi-dimensional
concept. Research is a systematic attempt to obtain answers to meaningful
questions about phenomena or events through the application of scientific
procedure. Redman and Mory define research as a ‘systematized effort to gain
new knowledge’
To begin
researching something, you have to have a problem, concern, or issue that has
turned into a question. These can come from observing the world, prior
research, professional literature, or from peers. Research really begins with
the right question, because your question must be answerable. Questions like,
‘How can I cure cancer?’ aren’t really answerable with a study. It’s too vague
and not testable.

In schools, action research refers
to a wide variety of evaluative, investigative, and analytical research methods
designed to diagnose problems or weaknesses—whether organizational, academic,
or instructional—and help educators develop practical solutions to address them
quickly and efficiently. Action research may also be applied to programs or
educational techniques that are not necessarily experiencing any problems, but
that educators simply want to learn more about and improve. The general goal is
to create a simple, practical, repeatable process of iterative learning,
evaluation, and improvement that leads to increasingly better results for
schools, teachers, or programs.
Action research may also be called a cycle of action or cycle of inquiry, since
it typically follows a predefined process that is repeated over time. They are:
Identify a
problem to be studied
Collect data on
the problem
analyse, and interpret the data
Develop a plan
to address the problem
Implement the
Evaluate the
results of the actions taken
· Identify a new problem
· Repeat the process
Unlike more formal action research studies, such as those conducted by universities and published in peer-reviewed scholarly journals, action research is typically conducted by the educators working in the district or school being studied—the participants—rather than by independent, impartial observers from outside organizations. Less formal, prescriptive, or theory-driven research methods are typically used when conducting action research, since the goal is to address practical problems in a specific school or classroom, rather than produce independently validated and reproducible findings that others, outside of the context being studied, can use to guide their future actions or inform the design of their academic programs. That said, while action research is typically focused on solving a specific problem (high rates of student absenteeism, for example) or answer a specific question (Why are so many of our ninth graders failing math?), action research can also make meaningful contributions to the larger body of knowledge and understanding in the field of education, particularly within a relatively closed system such as school, district, or network of connected organizations.
Actions research is important because:-
· Teachers investigate their own practice in new ways, looking deeper in what they and their students
actually do and fail to do.
· Teachers develop a deeper understanding of
students, the teacher learning process and their role in the
education of both teachers and students.
· Teachers are viewed as equal partners in deciding what works best
and what needs improvement in their classroom or classrooms.
· In most cases, solutions for identified problems are arrived
cooperatively among teachers.
· Teachers are often more committed to action research because they identify the areas they
view as
problematical and in need of change.
· Action research is an ongoing process and its strategies
can be widely applied.
· Professional development and school improvement are core aspects for any teacher who engages in action research.
· Teacher reflection can be conducted individually or in a schoolbased team composed of student’s
teachers and administrators.
In the present study, the investigator tries to solve the problems of ‘Students discussing irrelevant matter in the classroom’

this study, the investigator is looking closely to most talkative and
inattentive student in class and for the purpose of this study is defined by
student’s posture, poor level of responsibility in performing certain task,
lack of attention and motivation in class. This is an action research project
where the investigator studied at the time of delivering a lecture on a certain
topic in Social Science of class-IX standard students. In the classroom, the
investigator have found that several of his students off task and they are
discussing irrelevant matters in class. This off task behaviour took on many
forms. Students may have been fidgeting with something under their desk,
playing with the beads in their hair, leaning back in their bench, shooting
dirty look to another student, whispering, gazing at something in and outside
the room, playing with their learning materials, disturbing others, lying their
head on the desk etc.
When the investigator used to give
some sort of class work then he found that some students are inattentive in the
class. A few students did not focus on the activity and thus they could not
finish the class work. They often focuses what others doing but they pays
little attention towards their own work.
investigator had listed the following probable causes for not able to pay
attention in the class.
· Improper
method of teaching
· The
students has problem with memory skills and concentration
· Students
appear to have problem following verbal instruction
· Lack
of attention and motivation
· Least
importance is given to the subject
During his
classroom teaching the investigator noticed that students are talkative in
nature and are not so serious and they are inattentive. In fact the students do
not want to believe on the fact that regular exercise makes a learner trained
and educated and polished. As a result of all these problems, dropout rate have
the investigator wanted to find out why despite all of his efforts, students
were talkative and inattentive and what he could do to improve the poor
attention level of some of the students of class-IX.
The investigator did this research on
the thought that some of the talkative and inattentive students must be made
attentive in the social science class so that they can perform well
academically and did not get dropped out of school. They must be guided,
strictly controlled, encouraged and praised by the teacher in various aspects
so that they can modify their behaviour of irrelevant talk and give attention
in social science class to learn social science for their success. The
investigator wanted the level of participation of student in his class to rise
from rarely good to consistently great, because to get success in any sector
every student must have to be more serious, attentive, and regular and
conscious about his/her study. The holy duty of all teacher investigators in
any sector is to ensure all the students to be more serious and attentive in
learning. Students who do their homework and are attentive in the classroom do
better in their school and maximize the chances of success in their future
The primary goal of the investigator in
this present study is to improve the attention level and motivate students to
concentrate in the class. The investigator firmly believed that student needs
to be empowered and take responsibility and ownership of their learning to be
successful learners. For this students should be given priority in the class so
that they can achieve their goal by themselves. To change the present scenario,
the investigator should take immediate actions.
The study will focus on
the following objectives:-
To study the causes of talkative nature
and poor attention level of some of the students of class-IX of Govt. Girls’
H.S. & M.P. School, Tezpur.
To develop the strategy for improving
the poor attention level of some of the students of class-IX
· To identify the causes of the poor
performance of the pupils in the social science examination of class-IX as well
as everyday class performance.
To promote smooth functioning of the teaching
learning process.
To develop interest in the classroom
teaching learning process in social science.
The hypothesis of the study is given
If the teacher uses teaching learning
material appropriately, the students will develop their attention in social
science class.
If the sitting arrangement of the
students could be extended the students may feel comfort and they will be
If the teacher uses innovative methods
of teaching the students can enhance their attention in social science class.
If the teacher makes the classroom
students friendly, students may be motivated to the subject.
Any research or project depends on the
appropriate method for its development. These methods describe the causes and
suitable solution to solve the problem. In the present study, diagnostic method
is used to collect data. The aim of diagnostic method is to obtain complete and
accurate information.
Diagnostic Method-
Diagnostic method is a process of
identifying the nature of the problem. It is a very systematic method. This
method helps in finding out the problems of students in learning different
subjects and also helps in improving student’s performance. In this methods,
the teacher tries to identify the problems through several methods such as
observation, interview or by conducting certain kind of diagnostic test and
provide remedial measures for solving the problem related to teaching learning
In the present study the investigator
used applied diagnostic method for collecting data for this action research
report. At first the investigator tried to identify the problem of the students
in the classroom through his classroom teaching or during interaction with
students in the classroom and by using different methods such as observation.
The investigator observed that some students of class-IX standard are
frequently seems to be engaging in constant talks and inattentive in the class.
The student often discusses irrelevant matters in the class and does poorly on
tests. The few section of students could not seem to focus on an activity long
enough to finish it. Hus the investigator identified the problem as discussion
of irrelevant matter and lack of attention in the class.
Secondly, the investigator tried to
understand the nature of the problem in details. Here the investigator tries to
understand the kind of problem that the students are facing in the teaching
learning process for not being able to pay attention in the class regularly.
The investigator goes in detail background of the particular problem, and the
investigator notice that the attention level of the students fell during the
last two periods as a result they are being weaker in two or three subjects who
are generally though in these period and finally the impact of the problem is
reflected in their test results.
Thirdly, after understanding the
kind of problem, the investigator tries to find out the cause relating to the
problem. For finding out the most probable cause the investigator conducted
certain kind of diagnostic test or conversation with the talkative and
inattentive students. Here the investigator has listed the following possible
causes for not being able to pay attention in the class.
Students appear to have problem following
verbal instruction
Students are easily distracted by
external environment.
Lack of learning motivation
Students appear to be absent-minded.
Least importance is given to the
Students seem to have problem with
memory skills and communication.
Lack of self-confidence.
after determining about the problem of finding out the causes, the investigator
tried to find out certain probable solutions. As each pupil is different in
terms of learning ability, classroom learning and academic performance,
therefore the aim of the investigator is to provide learning support to those
few pupils who lag far behind their level of achievement. The investigator used
problem-solving method and question-answer method to identify the cause of the
problem. He prepared a rich, pleasant and comfortable environment for the pupils;
he made the seat arrangement of the students flexible to meet the specific
teaching purpose of each learning activity. Such a well-designed learning
environment helps to maintain pupil’s attention and interest in learning and
facilitate the achievement of teaching aims.
Fifthly, after collecting the data, the investigator turns to the task of analysing them. In this study, the investigator analyse it to see how far he become successful to improve the talkative and attention level of the students in the class. The investigator noticed that the students became disciplined, they talk less and their attention level in the class increased. It is satisfactory to find that the majority of the targeted students improved their learning competency. Creating well designed learning environment and use of proper method of teaching has really worked to a great extent.
After analysing the result, the investigator has concluded that this method is applicable to improve the attention level of the students.
In any investigation, the interest
usually lies in studying the various characteristics relating to items or
individual belonging to a particular group. This group of individuals under
study is known as population. It means the large group from which the samples
are drawn.
of 46 students of class-IX standard, a few (11) students were selected over
which is action research is carried on.
The task of data collection begins after
a research problem has been defined and research design plan chalked out.
Investigator could their research by discussing the issues with fellow researcher,
colleagues of Govt. Girls’ H.S. & M.P. School, principal, students and
parents to obtain their viewpoint and recommendation. This could be done
through observation, questionnaire, interview etc.
this study, the investigator used following tools for gathering data.
Observation, as the name implies, is a way of collecting
data through observing. Observation data collection method is classified as a
participatory study, because the researcher has to immerse himself in the
setting where his respondents are, while taking notes and/or recording.
Observation as a data
collection method can be structured or unstructured. In structured or
systematic observation, data collection is conducted using specific variables
and according to a pre-defined schedule. Unstructured observation, on the other
hand, is conducted in an open and free manner in a sense that there would be no
pre-determined variables or objectives.
Advantages of observation
data collection method include direct access to research phenomena, high levels
of flexibility in terms of application and generating a permanent record of
phenomena to be referred to later. At the same time, observation method is
disadvantaged with longer time requirements, high levels of observer bias, and
impact of observer on primary data, in a way that presence of observer may
influence the behaviour of sample group elements.
It is important to note
that observation data collection method may be associated with certain ethical
issues. Fully informed consent of research participant(s) is one of the basic
ethical considerations to be adhered to by researchers. At the same time, the
behaviour of sample group members may change with negative implications on the
level of research validity if they are notified about the presence of the
This delicate matter needs
to be addressed by consulting with dissertation supervisor, and commencing
observation primary data collection process only after ethical aspects of the
issue have been approved by the supervisor.
In this study the
investigator conducted participant and controlled observation. As the
investigator observed for the students in day to day teaching learning process,
so it is termed as controlled observation.
A questionnaire is
a research instrument
consisting of a series of questions for the
purpose of gathering information from
respondents. Although questionnaires are often designed for statistical analysis
of the responses, this is not always the case.
Questionnaires have advantages over some other types
of surveys in that they are cheap, do not require as much
effort from the questioner as verbal or telephone surveys, and often have
standardized answers that make it simple to compile data. However, such
standardized answers may frustrate users as the possible answers may not
accurately represent their desired responses. Questionnaires are also sharply
limited by the fact that respondents must be able to read the questions and
respond to them. Thus, for some demographic groups conducting
a survey by questionnaire may not be concrete.
The questionnaire is the main instrument for collecting data
in survey research. Basically, it is a set of standardized questions, often
called items, which follow a fixed scheme in
order to collect individual data about one or more specific topics. Sometimes
questionnaires are confused with interviews. In fact, the questionnaire
involves a particular kind of interview—a formal contact, in which the
conversation is governed by the wording and order of questions in the
instrument. The questionnaire often is administered in a standardized fashion,
that is, in the same way to all the respondents of the survey.
In this research, the investigator used this tool because the
information about certain problems can be best obtained through questionnaire
method. It is also time saving as data can be collected from a large number of
students within a small time frame. This tool or method can be used only in the
respondents are educated and willing to co-operate.
An interview in qualitative
research is a conversation where questions are asked to elicit information.
The interviewer is usually a professional or paid researcher,
sometimes trained, who poses questions to the interviewee, in an
alternating series of usually brief questions and answers. They can be
contrasted with focus groups in which an interviewer questions a group
of people and observes the resulting conversation between interviewees,
or surveys which are more anonymous and limit
respondents to a range of predetermined answer choices. In phenomenological or
ethnographic research, interviews are used to uncover the meanings of central
themes in the life world of the subjects from their own point of view.
The most useful tool for a process investigator is a field diary. The investigator uses a field diary to record his or her observations and thoughts in an orderly fashion. Recording observations and impressions enables a researcher to pick up clues about how the system is operating.
A field diary should help the investigator understand the systems physical and social setting. It should help describe who, what, why, where, when and how. Who refers to the people or system being studied? What concerns the information gathered. Why, where, when and how provide important details about the observation.
The investigators plans and decide on a
strategy to collect data now that the problem has been identified and even read
up on. In action research project, the data collection method most commonly
used included some combination of the following careful and systematic
collection of information about classroom events through interviews,
observation, questionnaire, field diaries, document analysis, audio and video
recording, student work samples etc. Once the data has been collected, the teacher
has analyses and reflects on it and makes a data driven decision to take some
Conducting interview is one of the methods
used by the researcher to gain and better understanding of the behavioural
problem of the students in the classroom. The interview prompts were
open-minded. The interview was conducted individually with parents of those
inattentive and talkative students, to know about their views how they deal
with their talkative and inattentive children in their home. The investigator
then noted all the different views and responses provided by parents in his
field diary and finally the investigator interpreter the information provided
by the interviewee and analysed the information by using statistical
inferences. Framing questions for conducting interviews are presented in
The investigator also collected data by
means of questionnaire i.e. by distributing questionnaire to the students to
know their views regarding teaching-learning process in the classroom. The
investigator prepared a questionnaire including some questions and gives them
to the sample of students to fill by themselves. It is the second tool of data
collection adopted by the investigator. Questionnaire is given in
Observation was conducted to gather
supporting evidence to the teacher’s interview responses. Here the investigator
observed the behaviour of the students in the classroom. In this study, the
investigator observed the students in her day-to-day teaching-learning process.
The investigator also observed them in a natural setting at the school
the observation, the investigator realized that some students in general
present the following characteristics:-
Some of them are very talkative.
Lack of interest, attention and
They do not present their homework
They do not complete the tasks that the
investigator proposes.
Lack of motivation when dealing with
some activities.
By his observation, the
investigator realised that due to these entire factor, it is really difficult
to teach something and create a relaxed atmosphere.
student feedback on teaching practice is commonly used in educational settings
as an improvement tool and performance measure. Typically this feedback is
collected using rating style surveys when a subject concludes; however, whether
this practice improves the quality of teaching requires further research. This
study was designed using an action research methodology to investigate the
impact of student feedback on teacher practices in a secondary setting.
Specifically, the efficacy of an ongoing, collaborative feedback model in which
teachers collected student feedback regularly, were guided in reflecting on the
data, and were supported through professional development to improve their
practices was explored. Results supported student feedback as a valuable improvement
tool, and powerful stimulus for teacher reflection. Student feedback informed
teachers on the effectiveness of their practice and identified areas for future
professional learning. Additionally, it opened up a dialogue around teaching
and learning in the classroom, and gave the teachers insights into the unique
challenges experienced by their students.
Generally the tests are conducted for
knowing the achievement and to test the acquired knowledge of the pupils.
pre-test was conducted by the investigator in a classroom of class-IX standard
ranging in age from 14 to 15 years old, after giving a basic knowledge about
the subject matters. After finishing the lesson the investigator had conducted
a pre-test to the entire class. The investigator evaluated the students by
conducting pre-test. After checking the answer sheets, based on the result of
this pre-test, the investigator will identify the students who were not able to
perform nicely in the tests. The investigator noticed that some of the students
are struggling with the simple basic concept of social science. The
investigator identified that those talkative and inattentive students in the
class does poorly on the test even though the topic has taught to the whole
class. Sufficient time was given to them for preparation of the test. Despite
all of his efforts, students appear to be at risk.
Remedial measures refer to the
techniques which are involving in removing the difficulties of the students in
teaching-learning process. Almost the investigator identified those students
who are not attentive in the class of 9th standard and does poorly
on the test.
this study, the investigator had taken remedial measures to improve the
attention level of the students in the class and to provide the students proper
care and guidance to excel their performance level in the class. Some extra
classes which are known as remedial classes are taken, so that the investigator
can give individual attention to those inattentive students in the class. The
investigator encouraged them to participate in classroom activities or during
classroom interaction. He tried his best and continued his extra classes unless
each of the selected students achieves mastery over the subject matter.
Besides these, the investigator adopted some other techniques of remedial measures to improve the attention level of the students:-
· Firstly, the investigator, re-teach the topic along with various teaching aids.
· Secondly, the investigator had given concrete examples before proceeding to abstract concepts by ways of simple and easy steps at a pace in line with the learning abilities of students. The investigator had taught new concepts from different perspectives by various approached so that pupils can grasp the ideasthrough meaningful and repeated illustrations.
· Thirdly, the investigator observed carefully the learning process of individual pupils
in class, wherever necessary the investigator had provided individualised remedial teaching before and after class or during recess or off time so that they can remove their learning difficulties as soon as possible.
· Fourthly, the investigator adopted the technique of group discussion. In this purpose the investigator has formed some groups of students and gave each of them a particular topic to discuss and express their views individually so that it helps pupils reinforce their knowledge and develop their communication and co-operation as well as good interpersonal relationship.
After taking remedial
measures, the investigator had again conducted a post-test on the same topic.
Post-test was conducted specially for those selected students who could not
perform well in the pre-test. This post-test will be to assess whether the
increased use of students will impact the scores in the test. The investigator
noticed that the students have improved a lot. After taking remedial measures
the selected students easily cope up with other students in the class. After
getting extra classes and individual attention the student’s concept become
much clearer than before. They used to take part in classroom interaction and
tend to remain attentive during classroom teaching-learning process.
In this present study, the investigator
conducted action research in the classroom and finds out the problem of the
students discussing irrelevant matter in the classroom. After identification of
the problem, the investigator searched about various causes and symptoms and
remedies of the particular problem.
The findings of
the research are mentioned below with statistical techniques:-
No. 3.1: No. of students found discussing irrelevant matter
in the social science class in 9th standard.
Total |
Girls |
46 |
11 |
– This graphical representation shows the number of students who discusses
irrelevant matter during the social science class.
No. 3.2:- Marks obtained by the talkative students in
pre-test out of 20.
No. of Students |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
obtained |
05 |
06 |
04 |
06 |
07 |
06 |
06 |
05 |
04 |
07 |
05 |
– After teaching about the content matter, the students show the performance
which are mentioned above in the table and in the graph as their scores. These
students do not take participation in the classroom discussion and often
indulge in discussion. Some of them also do not interact with their fellow
mates. After returning their copies, they do not communicate with the teacher
about their mistakes and their confusion and doubts. This reflects their
negligence towards the study.
Table 3.3:- Marks
obtained by the talkative students in post-test out of 20.
No. of Students |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
obtained |
15 |
16 |
18 |
11 |
16 |
15 |
17 |
15 |
12 |
17 |
15 |
– Above table and figure shows the improvement of the students who discusses
irrelevant matter before taking remedial measures. The investigator after
giving individual attention, there is increase in the participation or
co-operation of the students along with other students. This shows an
increasing confidence among them.
The investigator
analyses the data or information obtained through interview. The interview was
conducted with the parents of those students. The analysis of this data is as
Question 1:- Do
you encourage your children in their study?
no. of parents |
Yes |
not say anything |
11 |
8 |
3 |
Findings: – This
shows that maximum parents encourage their child in their study.
Question 2:- Do
you try to provide minimum facilities to your children to study?
no. of parents |
Yes |
No |
11 |
7 |
4 |
Findings: – It
shows that 64% parents try to provide minimum physical facilities.
Question 3:- Do
you encourage your children in participate in the society or in social activities?
no. of parents |
Yes |
No |
11 |
9 |
2 |
Findings: – The
investigator finds that maximum parents encourage their children to participate
in social activities.
Question 4:- Do
you think education can reduce poverty?
no. of parents |
Yes |
No |
11 |
6 |
5 |
Findings: – This
study shows that only half of those parents believe in education.
Question 5:- Are
you friendly with your children that they are able to express about their
no. of parents |
Yes |
No |
11 |
5 |
6 |
Findings: – It
shows that only some of those parents are friendly with their children.
Question 6:-
When you speak with your child, do they pay attention to what you are saying?
no. of parents |
Yes |
No |
11 |
4 |
7 |
Findings: – It shows that most of the students do not pay attention to their parent’s words.
Question 7:- Is
it hard for your child to sit for a long time?
no. of parents |
Yes |
No |
11 |
6 |
5 |
Findings: – It
shows that most of the talkative students are impatient in nature.
investigator also adopted the questionnaire method for collecting data. In this
study, a survey was conducted on talkative students for collecting data among
11 students. The analysis of this survey or data is as follows:-
1:- Have you ever face any difficulty in learning Social Science subject?
no. of parents |
Yes |
No |
11 |
7 |
4 |
– This shows the learning capacity of the students.
2:- Have you any language problem to communicate with your teachers?
no. of parents |
Yes |
No |
11 |
9 |
2 |
3:- Have your parents support or encourage you for your study?
no. of parents |
Yes |
No |
11 |
7 |
4 |
– This table shows that maximum parents support their child’s education, but
few shows inactiveness in their child’s education.
4:- Have you feel any type of hesitation to express yourself in class?
no. of parents |
Yes |
No |
11 |
6 |
5 |
– This figure shows that majority of students hesitate or feel awkward in
interaction with teachers or other students. This is due to race or religion
differences, or teachers’ unsuccessful teaching approaches.
5:- Do you interested in participating in any co-curricular activities?
no. of parents |
Yes |
No |
11 |
6 |
5 |
– Maximum students are interested in participating in co-curricular activities.
But some are inactive for participating in any outdoor or indoor activities.
6:- Have you get sufficient facilities for study at your home?
no. of parents |
Yes |
No |
11 |
6 |
5 |
Findings: – This figure shows that maximum students get proper facilities at their home.
3:- Have your parents support or encourage you for your study?
no. of parents |
Yes |
No |
11 |
7 |
4 |
– This table shows that maximum parents support their child’s education, but
few shows inactiveness in their child’s education.
4:- Have you feel any type of hesitation to express yourself in class?
no. of parents |
Yes |
No |
11 |
6 |
5 |
– This figure shows that majority of students hesitate or feel awkward in
interaction with teachers or other students. This is due to race or religion
differences, or teachers’ unsuccessful teaching approaches.
5:- Do you interested in participating in any co-curricular activities?
no. of parents |
Yes |
No |
11 |
6 |
5 |
– Maximum students are interested in participating in co-curricular activities.
But some are inactive for participating in any outdoor or indoor activities.
6:- Have you get sufficient facilities for study at your home?
no. of parents |
Yes |
No |
11 |
6 |
5 |
Findings: – This figure shows that maximum students get proper facilities at their home.
and recommendations are given to provide advice to improve something. After
analysing the entire study with respect to the methods and tools of data
collection, the following suggestions and recommendations can be given:-
The teacher should remove the fear of
particular subject from the students mind then they will achieve success in
near future.
The guardians must have to be conscious
about their children; they have the sole duty to make a pupil fit mentally and
· Teaching and learning process should be
made more interesting, attractive and spontaneous.
Teacher should be more sensitive and
sympathetic. They have to develop themselves as the friend, philosopher and
Teacher should take student’s problem
seriously and response accordingly.
Teacher should establish close
relationship with pupils, develop mutual trust and listen carefully to what
they say.
Teacher should keep in close contact
with parents to find out the causes of children behavioural problem.
Teacher should frequently organize field
trips, conduct group discussion, seminars and workshop on certain topic for
better understanding of the pupils and also to enhance their knowledge.
· Teacher should make good use of all
teaching material. Materials from the internet, newspaper, magazines and
references provided by Education Department may help teachers design
interesting and enjoyable activities to enhance pupils’ effectiveness of
The teacher should give individual
attention and care for all children.
When having discussion, the teacher
always ask them to speak, make them participate in group activities even if
they fail for some time, appropriate them for their efforts, gradually with
every opportunity they will start overcoming their hesitation as it will become
a routine for them, when they speak, never be little or be sarcastic, always
praise for the answer and their participation if the answer is incorrect and be
sincere, e.g. ‘nice try’, ‘keep thinking’ etc.
The teacher should give a democratic
chance to all children, to maximize student’s participation and minimize teacher’s
domination to offer students much freedom to express their views, doubts and
Utility refers
to usefulness. In this action research project the name of the topic or problem
is “Students discussing irrelevant matters in the class” in which the
investigator studies and did research on this topic and find out the certain
solution to improve the attention level of the students.
The research was done by applying
various methodologies, tools and by merely observing the behaviour of few
students of class-IX. This project report is very useful for both teachers and
students. The remedial measures taken by the investigators in this project were
provided to be very useful to students. It helps the students to increase their
self confidence in learning. The students became disciplined and their
attention level in class increased. If we apply this strategy to other schools,
a large number of students will be benefitted. The investigator may also apply
such kind of strategies in solving other kinds of similar problem such as
irregular homework, lack of motivation, low attendance rate, problem of language
learning hesitation to express their views etc. Such kind of research project
is helpful in developing attendance rate and attention level of the pupils
future generation properly educated from the very school level.
is a very good study. The investigator is highly satisfied with the outcome of
this research. The steps that have taken to improve the attention level of the
student have given fruitful results. The students understanding and application
level have improved. The students are greatly benefitted from this action
research. The procedure that the investigators followed in this case to make
students attentive in the class is a good one. It is satisfactory to find that
the majority of the targeted student’s attention level found to be increased.
They were more attentive in social science like other subjects. It we make the
parents conscious about the importance of education the more satisfying outcome
may be obtained.
we conclude that there are some problems of students regarding teaching
learning which can be solved by teacher take some positive initiatives. For
this the teachers should have good observational and analytical power. They
should be flexible enough so that the students feel comfortable; our school
should not only gain qualitative achievement but also qualitative achievement.
action research projects was made possible through the co-operation of our
teacher. This action research study not only increased our student’s enthusiasm
for learning but it also rekindled the excitement of our teachers towards
Corey, S. (1953) Action Research to
Improve School Practices. New York, Columbia University, Teachers College
Hustler, D., Cassidy, A & Cuff, E.
(eds.) (1986) Acyion Research in Classroom and Schools, London, Allen and
Ralph Hewitt, Mary Little (2005) Leading
Action Research in Scools, University of Central Florida.
Koshy, V. (2005) Action Research for
Improving Practice. A Practical Guide. London: Paul Chapman Publishing.
Laura Parn Lincoln, NE (2006) An In
depth Study of Student Engagement.
Somekh, B. (1988) The Roll of Action
Research in Collaborative Inquiry and School Improvement. Paper to CARN
conference. Cambridge, 25-27 March.
Afrodita E. Fuentes, Improving Student
Motivation and Achievement in Biology through a Student- Centred Environment
and Reciprocal Teaching, California State University.
Cohen, L; Manion, L & Morrison, K
(2000) Research Methods in Education (5th Edition), London,
Routledge Falmer.
Carr, W, & Kemmis, S. (1986)
Becoming Critical: Education, Knowledge and Action Research. Lewis, Falmer.
Kothari, C.R. & Garg, Gourab (2014)
Research Methodology (Methods and Techniques), New Age International
Publishers, New Delhi-11002
(Please tick the box)
Have you ever face any difficulty in
learning Social Science subject?
Yes No
Have you any language problem to
communicate with your teacher?
Yes No
Have your parents support or encourage
for your study?
Yes No
Have you feel any type of hesitation to
express yourself in class?
Yes No
Do you interested in participating in
any co-curricular activities?
Yes No
Have you get sufficient facilities for
study at your home?
Yes No
Have you face any undesirable behaviour
from your teacher?
Yes No
Have you follow the rule of rotation?
Yes No
Do you want to consult with your teacher
whenever you need?
Yes No
Do you regular in your class?
Yes No
Do you feel bored in your class?
Yes No
Question 1:- Do
you encourage your children in their study?
Among them, 8 parents say yes and 3 parents do not give responses.
2:- Do you try to provide minimum facilities for study to your children?
Answer:- 7 parents say yes and 4 parents say no.
3:- Have you encourage children to participate in the society or in social
Maximum parents say yes, But 2 parents say the negative.
4:- Do you think education can reduce poverty?
6 parents say yes, 5 parents say no.
5:- Are you friendly with your children?
5 parents say yes and 6 parents say no.
6:- When you speak with your child, do they pay attention what you are saying?
4 parents say yes and 7 parents say no.
7:- Is it hard for your child to sit for a long period of time ?
Answer:- 6
parents say yes and 5 parents say no.
Social Science
Total Marks: 20 Time- 40 Min.
Give short answer from the following
questions :- 1×4=4
a. Who
is the father of economics?
b. Who
define the welfare term of economics?
c. What
is barter system?
d. When
did the Reserve Bank of India establish?
Give a definition of money. 2
What are the two difficulties of barter
system? 2
Write any two characteristics of money. 2
What is a bank? 2
Discuss four functions of money. 4
7. Describe four
functions of the central bank. 4
Social Science
Total Marks: 20 Time- 40 Min.
Give very short answer of the following
questions:- 1×4=4
a. Who
is the father of Economic Geography?
b. When
did Regulating Act introduced?
c. Who
was the first President of Constitutional Assembly?
d. When
did the Indian Constitution implemented?
Why India is called a secular state? 2
What are the two sections of Bengal
Partition? 2
Draw a map of Assam. 2
Mention three difference between Indian
Democracy and England Democracy. 3
Write a short note on the result of
Swadeshi Movement in India. 3
Discuss in brief about economic activity
of human. 4
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