Inclusion of Children belonging to Educationally Backward Classes
Inclusion of Children belonging to Educationally Backward Classes-
In the Indian Constitution, Other Backward Classes (OBC) are described as ‘Socially and Educationally Backward Classes’. Other Backward Class is a collective term to classify the caste which are socially as well as educationally disadvantaged. Under Article-340 of the Indian Constitution, it is obligatory for the OBC. Children belonging to this section are deprived of education on account of their socio-cultural backwardness of the belonging community. The Government of India have taken special initiatives for the educational and socio-cultural upliftment of this educationally backward group. There is no genes, or chromosomes responsible for educational backwardness. These group of people are themselves victim of the disadvantaged social status. They only measure to help these group of children to overcome their educational handicaps is inclusion in education.
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Inclusion of these group of children in education will help them to access, explore the educational opportunity with equity and dignity. Inclusion in education will help the children belonging to educationally backward section-
1. To prevent from being subjected to unfair treatment and discrimination on account of their social and educational backwardness.
2. To address their deficiencies in education with the will-power, strong determination, strength provided by the mainstream.
3. To have well equipped school with all the facilities where they get the opportunity to learn equally.
4. To meet the educational needs irrespective of their low socio-educational status on backwardness in education.
5. To access the educational programmes without restriction on account of their educational backwardness.
6. To ensure equally education together with the non-disadvantaged.
7. To access the resources and opportunities of the educational institution irrespective of their educational backwardness.
8. To address their cultural and educational deprivation.
9. To get proper safeguard against educational disadvantages.
10. To get due recognition rather than struggling for the same.
11. To remove the handicaps and frustration in terms of achievement in education.
12. To feel more secured and honoured with the non-disadvantaged or backward students.
13. To ensure full participation in education irrespective of their backwardness.

Inclusion of Children to Education from Minorities
Inclusion of Children to Education from Minorities-
By the term ‘Minority’, we mean the people of smaller number in comparision to the entire society. A minority is an ethnic, racial, religious or other group having a distinctive presence within a larger society.
Wallace and Wallace defined this group as one which has less power and influence than the dominant group. Minorities of ethnic religions or linguistic character of different nations of the world are suffering two obstacles-
1. the problem of prejudice and discrimination
and 2. the problem of preserving their distinct and cultural life.
The Article-30 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the minorities certain cultural and educational rights to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice, whether based on religion or language. Again Article-30(2) states that, “The state shall not in granting aid to educational institution, discriminate against any educational institution on the ground that it is under the management of a minority, whether based on religion or language”.
Moreover, the Government has launched different educational schemes for the upgradation of these group of people. The Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Program inter-allied, aims to enhance the opportunities for education of minorities ensuring an equitable share in economic activities and employment. The High Level Committee under the chairmanship of justice Rajinder Sachar has also made a number of recommendation for improvement of the educational status of Muslim communities. Along with this Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has constituted a National Monitoring Committee on Minorities Education (NMCME) to address the issues relating to educational empowerment of minorities.
Inclusion of the Children belonging to Minority in Education is possible by-
Inclusion of the Children belonging to minority in education is
possible by-
1. Understanding the educational needs of the minority people.
2. Addressing the exclusion of children belonging to this community in the regular school.
3. Opening of schools in Muslim concentrated neighborhood schools.
4. Providing the option of learning ‘Urdu’ as a second language in the regular schools.
5. Incorporating the practices of Muslim culture in curricular and pedagogical processes.
6. Sensitizing all the teachers to the issues of cultural and religious diversity especially in relation to Muslim.
7. Celebrating the Muslim festivals in the schools side by side the other festivals of the regular schools.
8. Providing scholarship to the students belonging to the religious
or linguistic minorities.
9. Locating some center/programs of girls education like Kasturba
Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGVB), Mahila Samakhya, within the Muslim
dominated areas with Urdu medium, depending upon the local needs for
the girls belonging to this community.
10. Setting up schools or centers with adequate teachers for a
particular times or period in the premises of Maktabs or Madrassas.
11. Encouraging inclusion practices by the teachers like integrated
seating arrangements in the classroom, inclusive approach to all
children, integrated attention, helping all students to across the
facilities of schools irrespective of their status.
12. Encouraging the teaching of Urdu as a subject in the Muslim
concentration areas in the regular schools.
13. Recruiting of more Urdu teachers in Muslim concentrated areas.
14. Encouraging the discussion of Muslim cultural and religious
practices with the help of community members.
15. Opening up girls schools in Muslim concentrated neighbourhood.
Inclusion of these Children in Education will help-
Inclusion of these children in education will help-
1. To fulfil their educational needs.
2. To cope with the regular school system.
3. To solve the general issues of discrimination in the educational situation.
4. To remove social distances.
5. To get adequate security and emotional support to come to school.
6. To avoid cultural and religious as well as linguistic exclusion.
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