Changing Aims of Education in the Context of Globalization

Changing Aims of Education in the Context of Globalization

Changing Aims of Education in the Present Context of Globalization

Globalization is an important trend that effects the world deeply in new millennium. “Globalization” is commonly used as a way of describing the spread and connectedness of production, communication and technologies across the world. Globalization involves the diffusion if ideas, practice and technologies. The term of globalization was first used in the field of economy. But the process of globalization has deeply effected the economic, social, cultural and sides of societies in new world order. Globalization has developed a new vision and has brought about or ushered in a new way of life. 

With globalization, new concepts and values have entered into our lives with new problems and perspectives for the nations. The effect of globalization has brought rapid developments in technology and communications thereby producing a shift in society from industrialization towards an information based society. It has brought the world closer like a small village without border through its technological network or interconnectedness. New technologies make it possible to communicate more effectively across cultural boundaries by providing options that are effective and efficient

Changing Aims of Education in the Context of Globalization

This process is marked by speedy, free movement of people, services, capital goods, ideas and knowledge across borders. The process of globalization in India had started with the Economic Reforms that had begun in 1991. these economic reforms were aimed at integrating the Indian economy with the world economy. Let us now move to see the connections between globalization and aims of education.

Relation between Globalization and Education

Globalization has a close relation with education. As education has an important place in shaping a society, it has to be connected with globalization and the global activities have a deep impact on education. thus the educational scenario is rapidly changing owing to the changes brought in by the widespread of globalization. the development in technology and communication system have brought about changes in the teaching and learning systems across the world. New ideas, change in values and knowledge have changed the roles of students and teachers too. Education is now expected to shape children, the future citizens of the world into global citizens, with a broad range of skills and knowledge. 

The future of society in the global knowledge and information age is, therefore, increasingly dependent on the future of education. No education system globally can survive and stay unaffected by globalization. In the 21st Century, education system face the dual challenge of equipping students with the new knowledge, skills and values required to be competitive in a global market while at the same time producing good citizens who are responsible adults and good citizens both of their own country and of the world.

Globalization and Education

Within the wider context of globalization, education is regarded as an international commodity. in the global economy with investment in people, skill and knowledge. A global education should teach about issues that cross national boundaries, and interconnected systems ecological, cultural, economic, political and technological aspects or fields. education prepares the individual to connect and live in harmony- with the environment around him/her. The challenge for , therefore, is to reform, create and develop systems that prepare the individual to work in a borderless economy and live in a global society, i.e. to produce global citizens. With the concept of globalization, much changes are expected in the field of education. But the global education has many aims in common for every country. The aims and importance of global education can be stated as below:-

Aims and Importance of Global Education

1. Education should aim to enhance the ability of learners to access, assess, adopt and apply knowledge. thus, developing students’ ability to acquire and utilize knowledge gains importance in the process of globalization. Education must relevant knowledge that will guarantee the ability to remain up to date in the changing environment.

2. Education should allow every individual to develop freely. The individual will have to find his/her own point of reference in a society of constant change that generates short lived values.

3. Education helps students to gain skills of new cultures. Education should help learners to develop their critical thinkin skills, gain democratic values and apply their knowledge independently in an effectively designed teaching-learning environment.

4. Education must give the people the capacity to acquire the relevant knowledge and interpret values that will help them to adjust with the changing environment such as tolerance in human rights, the diversity of culture, respect for others and for the environment etc. It should create the right balance among the concern of societies and the integrity of individuals.

5. Education should produces an increased quantity of scientifically and technologically trained persons, as the emerging economy is based on knowledge as a key factor which demands highly trained person in science and technology.

6. In a global society education should aim at providing students the ability of working together. Education should be the catalyst for the desire to live together. At the heart of the same society and in the same ‘Global Village‘ through universal values such as tolerance and human rights, the diversity of culture, respect for others and for the environment etc. maintaining balance between the concern society and integrity of individuals. Working in teams requires students to develop skills in group dynamics, adjustment, persuasion, organization and leadership and management skills.

global village

7. Education should enable students to think independently to exercise appropriate judgement and to collaborate with others in order to make sense of new situations. Education should assist people in criticizing events from global perspectives.

8. Education should help to develop the skill of multisided thinking by enabling individuals to gain the cultural sensitivity and experience, to develop the language and skills of harmony at work in different cultures.

9. Education should aim at playing an increasingly vital role in resolving and treating the social contradictions and strains carried by globalization.

10. Education should aim at equipping people with the new knowledge and skills required for the global economy. In such a global context, education should aim at preparing children to compete in the global labor force.

11. Education should develop feelings of world citizenship to acquaint the students with new and current or latest areas of knowledge and to develop international understanding.

12. In a global world, education should aim at providing better educated citizens through the four pillars of education highlighted by the Delors Committee (Learning to be, to know, to do and to live together).


In short, with the concept of globalization, new attitudes and values are coming into force. People need to learn new concepts and have to adopt themselves new ways of life. In the present borderless information society, education need to respond to the demands of a rapidly globalizing world. Education should aim at creating global citizens who are aware of the wider world and bear a sense of his or her own role as a citizen of the world.

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