Technological Foundation of Curriculum

Technological Foundation of Curriculum

While designing curriculum, the supports of efficiency learning are to be taken into account. Due importance should be given to Information & Communication Technology (ICT) which would enrich the learning experience, and would enhance meaningful learning and easier retention.

Educational Technology and ICT

 Educational technology is the efficient organisation of any learning system adapting or adopting methods, process and products to serve identified educational goals. In other words, educational technology is defined as a complex, integrated process involving pupil, procedures, ideas, devices and organisation, for analysing problem and devising, implementing, evaluating and managing solution to those problems, involve in all expects of human learning.

Contemporary educational planning gives more importance to the term ICT than educational technology. ICT includes radio and TV as well as advanced digital technologies such as computers and the internet which will help in expanding contact with education, strengthening the significance of education to the growingly digital workplace, and increasing educational quality.

Strengths of ICT

 One of the most frequently referred reasons for using ICT’s in the classroom has been to better equip the present generations of students for a place of work where ICT’s mainly computers, the Internet and related technologies are gradually being used everywhere. Moreover, ICT improves the quality of education and training and could be used in many ways such as-

(i) In increasing learn motivation.

(ii) By ensuring active engagement of the learners.

(iii) By assisting in acquiring the essential skills.

(iv) By ensuring self-directed learning.

(v) By enhancing teacher training.

The other strengths of ICT

(a) As an agent of motivation – ICT includes TV, videos and multimedia computer software that combine text, sound and colourful, moving images can be used to provide challenging and authentic content that will engage the student in the learning process. It can introduce the students with the real world events and thus it works as real motivation in learning.

(b) As a medium for the acquisition of skills:- The transmission of basic skills and concepts that are the foundations of higher order thinking skills and creativity can be facilitated by ICT’s through drill and practice.

(c) As an agent of quality teacher education- ICT’s have been used to improve access and the quality of teacher education programmes. Many live programmes and radio interactive sessions are being given in many countries for orienting teachers.

 (d) Enhances creative learning- ICT based teaching and learning encourages the management of existing information and the formation of real-world products. Students will become creative if the ICT’s are well employed with proper planning.

(e) As a mode of integrative learning- ICT- enhanced learning encourages a thematic, relative approach to teaching and learning which ensures better learning and active long term memory.

(f) Ensures evaluative learning- ICT supported teaching and learning is student directed and analytical in nature. It identifies that there are numerous learning ways and expression of knowledge. Moreover, it allows the learner to explore and discover instead of merely listening and remembering.

Education policy makers and curriculum planners must be explicit about the targets and objectives to be accomplished. These should guide them in selecting the appropriate technologies. It should be notable that the possibility of each technology changes as per it’s utility.

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