Linguistic Interdependence and Educational Development of Bilingual Children

Linguistic Interdependence and Educational Development of Bilingual Children

Bilingualism can be achieved only on the basis of adequately develop first language. The development of competence in a second language in partially a function of the type of competence already developed in language-1 at the time when intensive exposure to language-2 begins. In the context of bilingual education, the educational outcomes are explained as a function of the interaction between background, child input and educational treatment factors, when the development of a child’s first language is strongly promoted outside of the school environment, then intensive exposure to the second language is likely to result in high levels of second language competence. Through the experience of language-1, children are likely to develop an understanding of most of the concepts they will encounter in their early reading of second language.

first and second language

There are certain myths about raising a child with more than  one language-

a. Growing up with more than one language confuses children.

b.Raising a child to be bilingual leads to speeach delays.

c. It is too late to raise children bilingual.

d. Children are like sponges and they will become bilingual without effort and in no time.

Children are incredibly sensitive to the different ways pupil speak. Even when they hear only one language, they learn very quickly about the differenc between polite and impoliteways of speaking etc. Therefore, the bilingual situation is just a matter of another difference between pupil. Some researchers thought that early exposure to two languages put children at a disadvantage but new research tells us that this is not so and that there is actually an advantage like that flexible thinking.

One problem can be that of balance children need to hear both languages often and a variety of situations. If they never hear the less important language except in particular situations, they may not get enough exposure for that language to develop naturally.

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