Inclusion in Education- A Human Right


Inclusion in Education- A Human Right

 There are two broad areas covered by Inclusion in Education:-

i. Right to Education on the basis of equality of opportunity.

ii. The broad aim of education is to promote the fullest possible development of every child.

Universal Declaration on Human Right in 1948 states that:-

a. Everyone has the right to education.

b. Education shall be free at least in the elementary education and the fundamental stages.

c. Education shall be directed to the full development if human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedom.

United Nations Committee on the Right of the Child 1989 states- All children have a right to receive education without discrimination on any ground.


 Article-3 of United Nations Convention on the Right of the Child (UNCRC) emphasizes on ensuring right of children through inclusion effective access to and receive education, training, health care services, rehabilitation services, preparation for employment and recreation opportunities in a conductive manner to the child’s achieving to the fullest possible social integration and individual development including his or her cultural and spiritual development.

The United Nation’s Convention on the Right of Person with Disabilities (UNCRPD) was drafted which emphasized on not to introduce new rights for disabled. Because the right of persons with disabilities are exactly the same as those of every person.

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 Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action, 1994 states in its Article-2 that regular schools with inclusive orientation are the most effective means of combating discrimination, creating, well-coming communities, building an inclusive society and achieving education for all.

Inclusion in Education can be viewed on the human rights because a right to education is founded upon three major principles:-

i. Access to free and compulsory education.

ii. Equality, inclusion and non-discrimination.

Iii. Right to Equality in education, contest and processes.

Inclusion in Education as a right educational approach emphasizes on the following:-

1. Right to respect for identity, culture and language.

2. Respect for children’s participation rights.

3. Right to respect for personal and physical integrity.

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