Action Research


Steps of Action Research Project

Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin Pinterest Whatsapp Steps of Action Research  The steps for conducting action research are not much different from those followed with any other types of research. The cycle of action research starts with the identification of a problem and advances through developing a research statement and sometimes a hypothesis, collecting, analysing and […]

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Ethical Consideration

Ethical Consideration in Conducting Action Research

Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin Pinterest Whatsapp Ethical Consideration in Conducting Action Research  Any activity that involve people has ethical consideration. The process of action research in education is usually carried out in educational institutions and it involves the students, teachers or other human subjects. Ethical considerations are important to uphold individual rights of the participating

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Action Research for the Professional Growth of Teachers

Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin Pinterest Whatsapp  Teachers are the most important resources of an educational institution. And the most important requirement for achieving academic excellence by an institution is to ensure that teacher continue to learn. It is this continuous process of improving teaching practices that is known as professional development for teachers. It can

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Action Research

Action Research- Meaning, Characteristics,Principles, Uses and Limitations

Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin Pinterest Whatsapp Meaning and Definition of Action Research Action Research is known by many other names, including participatory research, collaborative inquiry, emancipation research, action learning, and contextual action research, but all are variations on a common theme. In a nutshell, action research is ‘Research in Action’. – a group of people

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action research

Action Research on “Lack of Interest in the Classroom of the Students”

CERTIFICATE It is to certify that the Action Research on “Lack of interest in the classroom of the students” of 9th Grade students of Govt. Girls’ Higher Secondary & Multipurpose School, Tezpur is carried out by DHANANJOY SUTRADHAR, Roll No. 20, under the guidance of Rashmi Rekha Sarmah, Lecturer, Govt. College of Teacher Education, Tezpur,

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b.ed internship final report writing

B.Ed Internship Final Report Writing (Part-II)

Before read this article please read Part-1 B.Ed Internship Final Report Writing (Part-I) To Read the Article Click here B.Ed Internship Final Report Writing is an important topic of B.Ed students under Gauhati University. The school Based final report to be submitted to the stucy centre after completion of the internship. I hope you have read the

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B.Ed Final Internship Report

B.Ed Internship Final Report Writing (Part-I)

1. Introduction- Internship Program In  the  recent  years  all  over  India  there  has  been  a  drastic change in  B.Ed. course. The switch over to one year course to two year B.Ed. course is quite interesting and challenging task. Any teacher education course seeks to train teacher having requisite teaching skills. Practicum  approach adopted in the 

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