Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education

Meaning, Scope and Importance of Inclusive Education

Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin Pinterest Whatsapp Inclusive Education- Meaning and Concept  Inclusive education is one dimension of a right based quality education which emphasizes equity in access and participation, and respond positively to the individual learning needs and competencies of all children. It works to ensure that every child, irrespective of gender, language, ability, religion, […]

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Inclusion in education

Inclusion of Children from Rural and Marginalised Groups in Education

Inclusion of Children from Rural and Slum areas in Education Inclusion in Education is an approach which covers up all children under the umbrella of education. Children from rural and slum areas can be included through- 1. Ensuring the education of these children in the neighbourhood schools. 2. Organisation and establishment of community based groups

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inclusion of children

Inclusion of Children from Educationally Backward Class & Minority

Inclusion of Children belonging to Educationally Backward Classes Inclusion of Children belonging to Educationally Backward Classes- In the Indian Constitution, Other Backward Classes (OBC) are described as ‘Socially and Educationally Backward Classes’. Other Backward Class is a collective term to classify the caste which are socially as well as educationally disadvantaged. Under Article-340 of the

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SC and ST in Education

Inclusion of Children in Education from Socially Disadvantaged Section

 Inclusion in Education is an approach towards meeting the goal of equality of opportunities in education. But due to some social reforms, some children are facing educational disabilities. These group of children belongs to socially disadvantaged group. Generally, the term ‘disadvantage’ is a generic term for individuals/groups who face special physical or mental disability who lack financial

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Children with special needs

Inclusion in Education for Children With Diverse Needs- Its Rationale

The children deviate too much from the expected range possession of the one or the other traits of their personality so much tha their needs becomes special. These group of children are termed as ‘exceptional children’ or ‘Children With Special Needs’. These children are in need of special care, attention and measures for the adequate

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