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Blooms Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

Introduction In 1956, Benjamin Bloom with collaborators Max Englehart, Edward Furst, Walter Hill, and David Krathwohl published a framework for categorizing educational goals: Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Familiarly known as Bloom’s Taxonomy, this framework has been applied by generations of K-12 teachers and college instructors in their teaching. The framework elaborated by Bloom and his collaborators consisted of six major categories: […]

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Gandhis philosophy of education

Educational Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi

Introduction Gandhiji’s educational philosophy has been widely appreciated and accepted . Gandhi had a very practical view on education and believed that it should work on developing every aspect of a person and not just help him to read and write. He talked at length about the kind of education the Indian schools should render to

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Pragmatism and Educational Theory and Practice

Pragmatism and Educational Theory and Practice

Pragmatism- Its concept and meaning The philosophy of pragmatism is relatively new in the educational theory and practice, which was propounded in the first half on 20th Century. The philosophers like William James, John Dewey, C.B. Pierce etc are responsible for propounding and propagating the philosophy of pragmatism. So the term doing, making, accomplishing are used

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Contribution of Naturalism towards Educational Theory and Practice

Contribution of Naturalism towards Educational Theory and Practice

Philosophy and Naturalism Naturalism is one of the very ancient philosophies which was developed in western world. It is the philosophy which lays much emphasis upon nature and its laws. According to naturalism, nature and material world is the ultimate reality. Nature is everything which governs human life and living. According to naturalism, there is

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Changing Aims of Education in the Context of Globalization

Changing Aims of Education in the Context of Globalization

Changing Aims of Education in the Present Context of Globalization Globalization is an important trend that effects the world deeply in new millennium. “Globalization” is commonly used as a way of describing the spread and connectedness of production, communication and technologies across the world. Globalization involves the diffusion if ideas, practice and technologies. The term of

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Gender Bias

Gender Bias in Schooling: Textbook, Curriculum, Teachers’ Attitude etc.

Gender Inequalities in Schooling In this article we will learn about Gender Inequalities in Schooling: Organisation of Schooling, Gender bias in textbook, Curricular Choice, Teachers’ Attitude, Classroom Interaction, Peer Culture etc.  Gender bias in School  UNESCO’s gender equality framework defines gender inequality in education in terms of four dimensions, equality in access, equality in learning process, equality

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Nature vs Nurture Debate | B.Ed notes

Nature vs Nurture Debate  One of the oldest arguments in the history of psychology is the Nature vs Nurture debate. It is very hard to decide whether a person’s development is due to his/her heredity or due to his/her life experiences and environment. Of course, e can not deny the fact that both nature and

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